Overview: GSoC projects at freifunk.net

In 2016 we found 9 students doing Google Summer of Code projects for freifunk. This is an overview on all our projects including links to repositories and further information:

Title Student Repository Project information
A schema-based configuration system for OpenWrt Neoraider  https://gitlab.com/neoraider/ece  
DynaPoint – A dynamic access point validator and creator for OpenWrt Asco  https://github.com/thuehn/dynapoint  
Implementing Pop-Routing Gabriel https://github.com/gabri94/poprouting http://firenze.ninux.org/
Monitoring and quality assurance of open wifi networks: the client view Tarek https://git.nordwest.freifunk.net/ffnw-firmware/monitoring-drone   
netifd extension: external device handlers arkap    
OpenWrt – poWquty (poWer quality) Neez    https://github.com/neez34/
Provide a cryptographic implementation for Qaul.net spacecookie  https://github.com/spacekookie/qaul.net  https://spacekookie.de/gsoc2016/
Sharable Plugin System for qaul.net – Mesh Network Communication App Anu  https://github.com/anuvazhayil/qaul.net https://github.com/anuvazhayil 
SWOON: Simultaneous Wireless Organic Optimization within Nodewatcher marn 




Blog posts on these projects you can find with the tag GSocC 2016. Use the RSS feed to receive all updates. You can also see our projects from previous summers.

Quelle: Overview: GSoC projects at freifunk.net