Our Google Summer of Code Projects

This year, we were finally accepted back as an organization at the Google Summer of Code. In the meantime, the application and selection phase is over. Google has given us 9 project slots. We didn’t make the decision easy and chose the best ones out of the applications.


Freifunk manages projects for different initiatives as an umbrella organization. In this Google Summer of Code we have Retroshare, irdest, OpenWrt, LibreMesh and freifunk itself on board.


Currently we are in the community bonding period. During this time, all preparations are made so that the students can do their tasks. Also, they should dive into the communities and get to know people and tools.

Coding officially starts on June 7. All projects must be completed by August 23.

Our Google Summer of Code projects in 2021

Title Organization Student
OpenWRT PPA OpenWrt Neelaksh Singh
Irdest Android Client irdest Ayush Shrivastava
Android native app for network selection capability in LibreMesh routers LibreMesh Tomás Assenza
RetroShare WEBUI RetroShare Avinash
Freifunk Digital Twin – test on your virtual mesh before going productive OpenWrt pschreiber
OpenWrt Device Page OpenWrt Aditi-Singh
Freifunk Radio Ressource Management with IEEE 802.11v OpenWrt Valerius_B
Updation of the Json Schema to latest version (2020-12) along with the form generation and validation with the updated schema of the tools freifunk sh15h4nk
LibreMesh Pirania UI LibreMesh Angie Ortiz Giraldo

You can find more details for every projects on our GSoC dashboard.

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Quelle: Our Google Summer of Code Projects